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Allen Parish Libraries are committed to providing our patrons with the necessary digital & database resources to keep you on the cutting edge. We are dedicated to being your primary source for all of your research and information needs. These services are provided to the patrons of Allen Parish Libraries for free!

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State Library

Established in 1998, the Louisiana Library Connection databases are a collection of online subscription databases that are provided to the people of Louisiana by the State Library. The databases are chosen to cover the widest range of informational needs, providing educational and research materials for elementary, high school, and college students well into the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Homework Louisiana

Homework Louisiana offers FREE online tutoring and academic resources from for Louisiana residents. Get help in math, science, social studies, or English from a live tutor. The service can be accessed from a Louisiana public library or from your home computer.


Discover your family history and start your family tree. Try free and access billions of genealogy records including Census, SSDI & Military records.
Only Available at the Library.

Courses On Demand — Find the right instructor for you. Choose from many topics, skill levels, and languages. Shop thousands of high-quality on-demand online courses. Start learning today. Watch In-Demand Courses. Learn in 75 Languages. Expert Instuctors. Join 69M+ Learners.


Just graduated high school and trying to finalize your higher education plans? Below is a link that may be useful in assisting in your planning.

Drivers Ed

FREE PERMIT PRACTICE TESTS get ready for your DMV test

Fight fraud,
waste & abuse!

Contact the Louisiana Legislative Auditor (LLA) Hotline if you suspect misappropriation (theft), fraud, waste, or abuse
of public funds by anyone.

Talking Books & Braille Library

TBBL provides free public library service to Louisiana residents of all ages who cannot easily read standard printed materials due to a visual impairment, physical disability, or a reading disability, whether permanent or temporary.

320 S. 6th Street Oberlin, La. 70655
Phone: (318) 491-4543.TOLL FREE: 1-800-960-3015
Fax: 337-639-2654


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